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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Tiger Is Thirty Year behind the Dragon

hi All!
Much hype over 2G spectrum now!We are so feeble na that we cant do any thing as a citizen of India.The constitution of India is so weird and congested that we dont even dare to to go thru it and make some changes so our corrupted politician may think twice before doing any such.

Now,I am here to discuss how CHINA is far away from us.One should not keep discuss bloddy things which hapens to india.Its is the work of Star news and India tv which may most dirtiest thing in the world over.

China is confidently,but quietly,strutting on the world stage ,planning thier moves stretegically, to weaken India militarily,neutralize India politically and diminish india economically.(see skyscrapper of beijing in the image)

The Chinese Dragon is galloping in mind-boggling speed.China successfully implemented Special economy zone policy and is reaping enormous economic growth.They are very stable in their decision.Both woman and man trained,motivated and dressed up yo pursue a single goal.they are msaters in almost al the field and sells: silk,garments,toys,durable consumer goods like TV,ACs,washing name it and they have it.

India is building slowly,like snail.India and China were economically in the same space space in 1948,but after 60 year of independence India's per capita income shrunk to one third of china.

well well well......we are the children of midnight.Indians have only two things to live for bollywood and cricket.and amdavadis have their teas and rajkoti people have their soda and is the people of india who is responsible for Indian fall down not others....

lots of love
Kunal Gadhavi